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I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa & migrated to rural Ohio three years later. Growing up I was extremely active in sports. Being an athlete was all I knew, but like all things, it came to an end. I wasn’t as active and I began to notice my body gaining weight & the scale was there to confirm it.


I began to get very self-conscious about my body & developed a very negative mindset surrounding food and my self-image that I ended up battling for YEARS. So I got a gym membership & tried all the fad diets. I remember being lost & uncomfortable with the process. To change that, I began to do extensive research in health + fitness & took every opportunity I could to learn and apply.


In 2014 I became certified by the International Sports Sciences Association as a Certified Fitness Trainer & in 2020 became a Certified Nutritionist & Mindset Coach.


Reaching your goals is not meant to be a torturous endeavor. There may be a sore muscle or two along the way, bad days + good days, but I believe getting fit should be enjoyed, not dreaded. I get to change lives for a living, which is not only a privilege but incredibly fulfilling & rewarding.

I want to build a tribe of elevated people. People that want to not only crush their goals but unlock their full potential in life by elevating their MIND. BODY. & SOUL.

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